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We have formulated an anti-inflammatory cleanser that doesn’t have a type. That is... A skin type.

gentle milk facial cleanser

Could this be true, a cleanser that works with all skin types?!

You mean I don’t have to test my skin type first and I don’t need to change my cleanser as my skin changes or as the seasons change, or as often as I change my undies, LOL. Yes, correct! Woo Hoo!!

Immerse is a cleanser that doesn’t judge and doesn’t have a type. You can’t overuse it. You can put it over your eyes, lips and sensitive bits, you could even leave it on your skin! But why, you ask, would I leave a cleanser on my skin? Well, if that's you... you know why.

Truly! Let us ask you a question… Can your current cleanser pass the “leave it on your skin test?”!

We bet it can’t. But Immerse corrective cleanser can!


Starting with a great base, a gentle milk facial cleanser, is the single most important key to achieving great skin. Actually, if you think about it, it's probably true for most things in life, start with a good base and the results come easy. You see, many skincare companies use cheap detergents to fill their cleansers, keeping the price point at what we all think of to be normal or acceptable for a cleanser. 

Would you pay more than $10 or even $30 for a cleanser? 

We hear all the time from our clients in our skin clinic, that a cleanser is only on the skin for a minute, so what difference would it make? But once you try our gentle milk face cleanser containing clean, anti-inflammatory ingredients, you will happily strut up to your bin and throw away your old cleanser. These cheap detergents and fillers aren’t even worthy of going on your body or your hands.

Immerse can actually stay on your skin if need be, as it contains no detergents, no nasties or anything that will strip and irritate your skin's barrier like the cheaper cleansers previously mentioned will. Instead it is formulated with skin loving oils and anti inflammatory ingredients that nurture and strengthen your skins barrier.

You’ll soon notice your skin improving and glowing in just days. Less redness. Less dryness, Less tightness. Less itching and less wrinkles, seriously… What more could you want in a cleanser! 


Most people don't realise that your cleanser sets the tone for your entire skincare ritual. It's the foundation upon which healthy skin is built and getting it right (or wrong) will make a world of difference. 

Immerse is gentle, milky and nurturing. It's also a make-up remover cleanser, sensitive skin cleanser, and an everything in between cleanser! It's simply the best cleanser for ALL skin types that you'll ever need. 

Immerse will calm and hydrate your skin and most importantly clean your skin without irritation or causing more skin problems you started with.

GSD’s Immerse cleanser will have you singing “I got 99 problems but my cleanser ain't one!”

And we understand why you may think opting for a cheaper cleanser and spending your money on the more expensive serums is the way to go (after all, serums remain on the skin and create change, right?

But let’s be blunt, if you go cheap with your cleanser, don’t even bother with your serums.

You see, by cleansing your skin with (even mildly irritating) detergents your skins barriers shuts down, it shuts up shop and says “sorry we are no longer open for business”, so every expensive serum you apply thereafter, either sits on the surface to be deteriorated or even worse, further irritates your skin, because from the get go, as soon as you applied your cleanser, your skin cells became inflamed, went into defensive mode and they my friend, are now ready to fight with anyone and anything.

It’s really that simple. Your cleanser sets the tone for your entire skin routine.


So, no matter what your skin type may or may not be, Immerse is your go-to cleanser, and for those die-hard, I need to feel scrubbed-clean, or I simply can’t go on with my day without feeling squeaky clean... Can we introduce you to GSD Polished, for thickened, oily, congested and breakout-prone skin types.

You will still use Immerse as your first cleanse, remember we are setting up your skin for good skin days, then you can follow with a second cleanse using Polished for a skin detox without the hidden nasties.

K.I.S.S (keep it simple) Don’t buy into the marketing hype and just read the ingredients list, and trust the skin experts… umm that’s us, just in case you hadn’t read up about us!


When you choose GSD you choose Australian, cruelty free, innovative, clean, anti-inflammatory skincare.

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